XMRV TaqMan RT-PCR Kit | TM34750| Gentaur Distribution US, UK & Europe
Detection kits for XMRV
Available in TaqMan format for analysis
Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) is a gammaretrovirus. The virus was first described in 2006 and has since been isolated from human biological samples. XMRV belongs to the family Retroviridae and the genus gammaretrovirus. It has a single-stranded RNA genome that replicates through a DNA intermediate. The virus gets its name due to its close relationship with the murine leukemia viruses (MuLVs) . The viral genome is approximately 8100 nucleotides in length and is 95% identical with several endogenous retroviruses of mice. While gammaretroviruses have well-characterized oncogenic effects in animals, they have not been shown to cause human cancers. However, XMRV was recently discovered in human prostate cancers and is the first gammaretrovirus known to infect humans. In addition to prostate cancer, a possible association with chronic fatigue syndrome has been reported, however it has yet to be established whether XMRV is a cause of this disease.
The causal role of XMRV in cancer has yet to be established and the virus does not appear to be capable of transforming cells directly. In prostate cancer, XMRV protein has been found in tumour-associated but nonmalignant stromal cells, but not in the actual prostate cancer cells. This raises the possibility that the virus may support tumorigenesis. In other studies, XMRV proteins and nucleic acids were found in malignant cells.
XMRV TaqMan RT-PCR Kit, 100 reactions
Ready to use format, including Master Mix for the target and PCR control to monitor for PCR inhibition and validate the quality
Specific Primer and Probe mix for the pathogen/virus/viroid of interest
Primer and Probe mix
Positive and negative control to confirm the integrity of the kit reagents
XMRV TaqMan RT-PCR Probe/Primer Set and Controls, 100 reactions
Specific Primer/Probe mix and Positive Control for the pathogen/virus/viroid of interest
Nuclease-free water
Can be used together with Gentaur RT-PCR Master Mix (#28113) or customer supplied master mix
For research use only and NOT intended for in vitro diagnostics.