Bioluminescent Imaging
Exosome tracers, Cyto-Tracers, Lentiviral subcellular tracking constructs for Bioluminescent Imaging
Plasmids used to make lentiviral particles
Label with GFP or RFP by expressing the pCT.. Tracer plasmid in the parent cell lines.
- Transformed from adherence enhanced HEK293 cells, the cell line expresses GFP or RFP under a CMV promoter.
- The cell line can carry Puro resistance.
- The integrated expression cassette is sold with the plasmid.
Great for tracking exosomes and monitoring cargo delivery.
- Stable lentivector-based system
- Ideal for co-localization studies
- Monitor exosome dynamics and functional studies in real time
- Label exosomes from primary cells, tumor cells, stem cells, and more