Trichinella spiralis TaqMan PCR Kit | TM72450| Gentaur Distribution US, UK & Europe
PCR-based detection kit for Trichinella spiralis
Available in TaqMan format
The Trichinella spiralis parasite is the common cause of human disease and infection occurs after the ingestion of raw or undercooked meat, often pork or bear. T. spiralis is a nematode parasite found worldwide, but is most common in parts of Europe and the United States in many carnivorous and omnivorous animals such as bears, cougars, walruses, foxes, wild boars and domestic pigs causing Trichinellosis (trichinosis) . It ranges in length from 1.5 to 4 mm (0.06 to 0.2 inch), males being smaller than females. Adult worms live in the intestine for up to two months and the female produces larvae which migrate to skeletal muscle where they invade, develop and encyst. It can cause symptoms varying from generalized fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, myalgia to more severe like myocarditis and encephalitis.
Gentaur Trichinella spiralis TaqMan PCR Kit is designed for the detection of Trichinella spiralis specific DNA in a real-time PCR based on the use of TaqMan technology. This kit is designed for research use only and not for use in diagnostic procedures. The detection of Trichinella spiralis specific DNA is based on TaqMan PCR providing a simple, reliable and rapid result for the detection of Trichinella spiralis infection. Gentaur Trichinella spiralis TaqMan PCR Kit includes a PCR control to monitor for PCR inhibition, and to validate the quality of the sample and the detection result. The Trichinella spiralis TaqMan PCR Kit comprises Master Mix for the target and PCR control detection, Primer & Probe Mix, as well as a positive control and a negative control (nuclease-free water) to confirm the integrity of the kit reagents.
Gentaur Trichinella spiralis TaqMan PCR Kit was developed and validated to be used with the following PCR instruments:
- Qiagen Rotor-Gene Q
- BioRad CFX96 Touch™ Real-Time PCR Detection System
- QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System