TPMVd TaqMan RT-PCR Kit | TM48050

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TPMVd TaqMan RT-PCR Kit | TM48050| Gentaur Distribution US, UK & Europe

Detection kits for Tomato Planta Macho Viroid (TPMVd)

Available in TaqMan format for analysis

Tomato Planta Macho Viroid (TPMVd) is the causal agent of a disease of tomato known as “Planta Macho” (male plant) disease, which occurs primarily in the Mexican states of Morelos and Mexico. Symptoms of the disease resemble those induced in tomato by the potato spindle tuber viroid, but are more severe. Infected plants are severely stunted and exhibit strong epinasty of leaves and leaflets. Infected plants produce more flowers and fruits than healthy plants, however the fruit remains small and has no commercial value. In the field the disease appears to be spread via contact with diseased foliage or contaminated tools. Gentaur Tomato Planta Macho Viroid RT-PCR Detection Kit is a rapid and sensitive TPMVd detection tool which can be applicable for the early diagnosis of TPMVd.

TPMVd TaqMan RT-PCR Kit, 100 reactions

  • Ready to use format, including Master Mix for the target and PCR control to monitor for PCR inhibition and validate the quality
  • Specific Primer and Probe mix for the pathogen/virus/viroid of interest
  • Primer and Probe mix
  • Positive and negative control to confirm the integrity of the kit reagents

TPMVd TaqMan RT-PCR Probe/Primer Set and Controls, 100 reactions

  • Specific Primer/Probe mix and Positive Control for the pathogen/virus/viroid of interest
  • Nuclease-free water
  • Can be used together with Gentaur RT-PCR Master Mix (#28113) or customer supplied master mix
  • For research use only and NOT intended for in vitro diagnostics.
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100 Reactions
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