Staphyloccocus aureus TaqMan Probe/Primer and Control Set | TM29310| Gentaur Distribution US, UK & Europe
Detection kits for Staphylococcus aureus
Available in TaqMan format for analysis
Mastitis is the single most costly disease of dairy cattle resulting in the reduction of milk yield and quality. The inflammation of the udder is mainly caused by bacteria, and Staphylococcus aureus is often considered the most common cause of contagious mastitis in dairy herds. S. aureus infection is estimated to be present in up to 90% of dairy farms and is responsible for 35% of the economic loss in the dairy industry (Lee et al., 2005) . S. aureus is a facultatively anaerobic, Gram-positive bacterium. The majority of S. aureus strains are catalase-positive and coagulase-positive, which forms the basis of traditional identification methodology.
Staphylococcus aureus TaqMan PCR Kit, 100 reactions
Ready to use format, including Master Mix for the target and PCR control to monitor for PCR inhibition and validate the quality
Specific Primer and Probe mix for the pathogen/virus/viroid of interest
Primer and Probe mix
Positive and negative control to confirm the integrity of the kit reagents
Staphylococcus aureus TaqMan PCR Probe/Primer Set and Controls, 100 reactions
Specific Primer/Probe mix and Positive Control for the pathogen/virus/viroid of interest
Nuclease-free water
Can be used together with Gentaur PCR Master Mix (#28007) or customer supplied master mix
For research use only and NOT intended for in vitro diagnostics.