Saliva DNA Isolation 96-Well Kit | RU35200| Gentaur Distribution US, UK & Europe
Sample collection is non-invasive and painless
Fast and easy high throughput processing using 96-well plates
Isolate high quality genomic DNA
Effective removal of PCR inhibitors
Compatible with preserved saliva samples collected using Gentaur Saliva DNA Collection and Preservation Devices, as well as fresh saliva samples
This kit features a rapid, high-throughput 96-well format for isolating high yield and high quality DNA from saliva. The purified saliva DNA is compatible with any number of downstream applications including PCR, qPCR, Southern Blot analysis, sequencing, microarray analysis and more. This kit is also compatible with Gentaur Saliva DNA Collection and Preservation Devices (Cat. RU49000) . It is fully compatible to both vacuum and centrifugation protocols.
Human genomic DNA found in saliva can be used in various applications in diagnostics including the detection of biomarkers to diagnose a disease, follow the disease’s progress or monitor the effects of a particular treatment. Isolation of DNA from saliva for diagnostics has become an attractive alternative to isolation from blood or tissue due to the fact that sample collection is non-invasive.