Podocalyxin(4F10), 1mg/mL Antibody | BNUM0482-50| Gentaur Distribution US, UK & Europe
Summary.: Podocalyxin is a member of the CD34 transmembrane sialomucin family. It is highly on kidney podocyte foot projections and plays essential roles in kidney development and homeostasis, blood filtration and urine formation. It is also expressed on vascular endothelia, hematopoietic progenitors and a subset of neurons. Overexpression of podocalyxin may be linked to more aggressive tumor behavior. Podocalyxin antibody can identify podocytes in the urine (podocyturia) that may indicate glomerular disease, pre-eclampsia, and other kidney pathology.This antibody is available purified with BSA/azide at 200 ug/mL, or BSA/azide-free at 1 mg/mL..
Conjugate: Purified, BSA-free.
Storage Buffer: PBS, no BSA, no azide.
Storage Temperature: 35°C to -5°C .
Application: IHC, FFPE (verified).
Stability: Stable at room temperature or 37°C (98°F) for 7 days.