Penicillium sp. TaqMan PCR Kit | TM33250

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Penicillium sp. TaqMan PCR Kit | TM33250| Gentaur Distribution US, UK & Europe

Detection kits for the Penicillium sp.

Available in TaqMan format for analysis

Penicillium is major causative agents of food spoilage (dairy products, fruits, vegetables and meat) and postharvest decay. The genus causes significant economic losses to the fruit industry and is also of potential public health significance since Penicillium species (Penicillium sp.) produce a number of mycotoxins known to cause harmful effects in humans and animals. Penicillium is also a huge problem in the wine industry. Its presence in wine and grape juice during the various stages of fermentation is highly detrimental to the quality of the wine due to the production of compounds such as Geosmin (trans-1,10-dimethyl-trans-9-decalol) an earthy-musty compound which produces off odours and flavours. For these reasons the rapid and specific detection of Penicillium species are important for ensuring microbiological quality and safety of fruits and juices among other foods.

Penicillium sp. TaqMan PCR Kit, 100 reactions

Ready to use format, including Master Mix for the target and PCR control to monitor for PCR inhibition and validate the quality

Specific Primer and Probe mix for the pathogen/virus/viroid of interest

Primer and Probe mix

Positive and negative control to confirm the integrity of the kit reagents

Penicillium sp. TaqMan PCR Probe/Primer Set and Controls, 100 reactions

Specific Primer/Probe mix and Positive Control for the pathogen/virus/viroid of interest

Nuclease-free water

Can be used together with Gentaur PCR Master Mix (#28007) or customer supplied master mix

For research use only and NOT intended for in vitro diagnostics.

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100 Reactions
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