Custom 8-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads | MRA-MF8

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1.00 KGS
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Custom 8-plex MARIA® for Foods with Magnetic Beads | MRA-MF8 | Gentaur US, UK & Europe Disrtribition

Shipement Condition: Ships on Ice Packs, store at 2-8°C

searchable Web Description: Maria® For Foods Allergens Kits

Note: Customer must identify allergen(s) required when placing order.Ana o 3, Anacardium occidentale;Api g 1**, Apium gravolens;Ara h 1**, Arachis hypogaea;Ara h 3, Arachis hypogaea;Ara h 6, Arachis hypogaea;Native Bos d 5, Bos domesticus;Bos d 11**, Bos domesticus;Cor a 9, Corylus avellana;Cyp c 1**, Cyprinus carpio;Gal d 1, Gallus domesticus

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